Hello there, I’m Ida.

I live in the majestically beautiful province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I am fiercely proud to have been born and raised a Newfoundlander. I’ve been married for over 35 years, I am a mother of three beautiful girls, Sharon, Stacey and Shawna, and a grandmother of two extraordinary little boys, Parker and Samuel. By day I work in the information technology sector of the federal government and by night I like to explore my imagination with a proverbial pen in my hand.

I am influenced by my love of local history and the familial art of storytelling passed down by my father, Edward Linehan, and my maternal grandfather, Frank Power. I enjoy researching the history of my beloved birthplace and writing historical fiction that keeps the past alive for generations to come.

I feel extremely blessed to have such wonderful support from my family, friends, and dare I say fans without sounding vain. The encouragement from my readership is what keeps me writing and I appreciate any support in whatever form it comes.

Ida Linehan Young
January 2023