“The workshop was well organized, methodical, and engaging. The “hands on” interactive approach through examples and exercises was especially effective and the positive feedback and encouragement made this first time writing challenge enjoyable. I highly recommend this workshop to beginning and seasoned writers alike.”
“I found your workshop inspiring and practical. The writing exercises sparked my imagination and the icing on the cake was in developing a compelling story from start to finish using your steps! Thank you for so generously sharing your knowledge and encouragement!”
other services
I offer a wide selection of other services, including:
Manuscript Eval $50 per 10 k words
Short Story Eval $50 up to 10 k words
Prize Adjudication
Speaking Engagements
School / Library Visits
Content Research
Speech Writing
Blog Editing/Writing $50 per 10k words
Ghost Writing $100 / 10k words and / or royalties
Workshop Facilitation
Content Building
Please contact me to discuss pricing. Prices may vary depending on the request.